SAP User Administration

In this blog, We will try to cover as many queries related to SAP User Administration.

1. What are the available standard transaction for SAP User administration ?

Below table consists of all the standard transactions related to SAP user administration. Most widely used transactions are SU01 and SU10 (for Mass user changes).

User Admin table

Generated by wpDataTables

2. What are the available User types in SAP ?

User TypeShort Description
CCommunications Data
LReference (Logon not possible)

For more details on each of the user types, check this blog : User types in SAP

3. Which transactions are available for SAP CUA (Central User Administration)

SCUACentral User AdministrationSAPMSCUA
SCUCCUA: Synchronize company addressesRSUSRSCUC
SCUHChange Documents for CUA LandscapeRSUSRCUA
SCULCentral User Administration LogSAPMUSLG
SCUMCentral User AdministrationRSUSLAND

4. How to lock/unlock user id in SAP ?

Go to SU01, enter the user you want to lock and then click on “Lock” icon. It will give you the info “Not locked.”. Now click on the “Lock” icon to lock the user.

Lock user in SU01

To unlock it, do the same. Click on “Lock” icon. Now it will show status as user locked. To unlock it, click on “Unlock” icon

Unlock user in SU01

5. How to check change documents for user in SAP ?

SU01 –> Information –> Change Documents for Users

Change Documents for Users in SAP

In below screen, you can enter multiple users. Then for selection in “From Date”, enter the date manually or select any of the 3 buttons provided (Week, Month, Year).
Under Selection Criteria —> User attributes, you may select all the options or a specific option as per the requirement. The same can be done for “Roles/Profiles” tab. Click on execute for the result.

change document selection screen

Output eg:

Change documents result

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