Authorization object W_WXP_INT belongs to the class WG. Description: Merchandise & Assortment Planning: Planning Interfaces
Authorization object W_WXP_INT belongs to the class WG. Description: Merchandise & Assortment Planning: Planning Interfaces
Authorization object W_WXP_LAY belongs to the class WG. Description: MAP: Planning Layouts and Variants
Authorization object W_WXP_PLAN belongs to the class WG. Description: MAP: Planning Scenario Planning
Authorization object X_COBLMOD belongs to the class AAAB. Description: Coding Block: Add New Field
Authorization object X_COL_OBJ belongs to the class AAAB. Description: Common Object Layer
Authorization object W_WTAD_ISU belongs to the class WG. Description: IS-R Authorization: Status Update for Additionals IDoc
Authorization object W_WTEW belongs to the class WG. Description: Authorizations for Trading Execution Workbench
Authorization object W_WTRA_LOG belongs to the class WG. Description: Runtime Measurement – Authorization to Delete Data Records
Authorization object W_WXP_DESI belongs to the class WG. Description: MAP: Design Planning Scenario
Authorization object W_WXP_HIER belongs to the class WG. Description: Merchandise and Assortment Planning: Planning Hierarchy