How to check SAP Hostagent version

SAP Host Agent is an agent that can accomplish several life-cycle management tasks, such as operating system monitoring, database monitoring, system instance control and provisioning.

Please follow below steps to check the SAP Host agent version and its patch level:

  1. Open CMD (in case of Windows) and go to the directory where SAP Host Agent is installed.

    %Program Files%\SAP\hostctrl\exe\   — Windows platform
    /usr/sap/hostctrl/exe/                           — Unix/Linux platform

2. Execute below command :

saphostexec -version

If this doesn’t work then execute below command:

saphostctrl -host <hostname> -function ExecuteOperation -name versioninfo

3. You will see the version and patch level at the end of the result:

SAPHostgent version

If you want to update your hostagent, then check this blog: How to update SAP Hostagent ?

For more information on SAPHostagents, check the below URLs:

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