SE24 (Class Builder) is a tool in the ABAP Workbench that allows you to create, define, change and test global ABAP classes and interfaces. The Class Builder has two modes:
● Form-based mode
● Source code-based mode.
You can use the Class Builder to:
- Display an overview of global object types and their relationships.
- Maintain existing global classes or interfaces.
- Create new global classes and interfaces.
- Implement inheritance between global classes.
- Create compound interfaces.
- Create and specify the attributes, methods, and events of global classes and interfaces.
- Define internal types in classes.
- Implement methods.
- Redefine methods
- Maintain local auxiliary classes.
- Test classes or interfaces in a simulated runtime environment
Please find below technical details.
Package: SEOE
Selection Screen: 1000
Authorization Object: S_DEVELOP object is checked at the start of transaction with activity (ACTVT) – 03 (Display)
GUI Support:
SAPGUI for Java | NO |
SAPGUI for Windows | YES |
Application Component: BC-DWB-TOO-CLA
Object directory entry: R3TR TRAN SE24
Related Jobs:
Job Name | Report Name |
NA | NA |
Related Tables:
Table name | Description |
NA | NA |
Related Views:
View Name | View Description |
NA | NA |
Related Transactions:
Transaction Name | Description |
NA | NA |

For a complete tutorial, check below youtube tutorial