Authorization object W_STO_CPR belongs to the class WG. Description: Product Count with RFID for a Retail Store
Authorization object W_STO_CPR belongs to the class WG. Description: Product Count with RFID for a Retail Store
Authorization object W_RFAPC_RL belongs to the class WG. Description: Authorisation for Operational APC: Release
Authorization object W_SRS_APPL belongs to the class WG. Description: SAP Retail Store: Application in Store
Authorization object W_RF_WLAY belongs to the class WG. Description: Authorization Object Layout
Authorization object W_RFAPC_GN belongs to the class WG. Description: Authorisation for Operational APC: General
Authorization object W_RF_MPA belongs to the class WG. Description: Authorization Object for Markdown Profile Assignment
Authorization object W_PRICATIN belongs to the class WG. Description: Retail Authorization: Create and Maintain PRICAT per PurGrp
Authorization object W_SRS_VKPF belongs to the class WG. Description: Retail Store – Authorization for Ruling Price Maintenance
Authorization object W_SRS_POS belongs to the class WG. Description: Authorizations for Physical Inventory in Open Store
Authorization object W_REF_SITE belongs to the class WG. Description: Authorization to clean MMSITEREF Table