Authorization object W_STRU_CHG belongs to the class WG. Description: IS-R Authorization: Allow changes to Structured Materials
Authorization object W_STRU_CHG belongs to the class WG. Description: IS-R Authorization: Allow changes to Structured Materials
Authorization object W_STWB_WRK belongs to the class WG. Description: SAP Retail Store: Store
Authorization object W_TASK_L belongs to the class WG. Description: Check My Products – Task List
Authorization object W_VKPR_PLT belongs to the class WG. Description: IS-R Authorization: SP Calculation: Distr. Chain/Price List
Authorization object W_VKPR_VKO belongs to the class WG. Description: IS-R Auth. Sales Price Calculations, Distribution Chain
Authorization object W_TRAN_CCR belongs to the class WG. Description: IS-R Authorization: SAP Transaction
Authorization object W_TASK_P belongs to the class WG. Description: Check My Products – Task List Products
Authorization object W_VKPR_VTL belongs to the class WG. Description: IS-R Authorization: Sales Price Calculations: Distr. Chain
Authorization object W_STO_TPRS belongs to the class WG. Description: Receiving Site in Product Transfer of Retail Store Associate
Authorization object W_TASK_G belongs to the class WG. Description: Check My Products – Generic Task